Traditional painting involves painting with a physical material as opposed to a more contemporary approach such as digital. Digital painting varies from other kinds of digital art, notably computer-generated art, in that it does not use computer rendering from a model. A gradient in the traditional painting might take more than half an hour, but most modern drawing software has a "gradient" function) does not make it any less valuable, nor does it imply that finishing a piece of artwork requires no effort at all.
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Interestingly had the opportunity of seeing the exhibition David Hockney 'The Arrival of Spring, Normandy 2020' presently on view in Brussels, and saw this medium of the IPad at work developed to his specif requirements where he has mastered the wealth of possibilities it offers. He notes the ability to both draw and paint is essential in the creation of these IPad paintings and views his works possessing all the qualities of his paintings, with his gesture and hand clearly evident in each of the 116 works on display.
I liked the phrase you could read at the exhibition to "love life".