Despite the lockdown, your Committee have been in regular contact with each other through daily phone calls and emails. Our aim is to ensure that The Arts Society Fylde continues to flourish and that we are poised to start activities again as soon as it is safe and responsible to do so.
So many people have invested effort in developing a thriving Society over the years and we are determined to see that those efforts do not go to waste. It is not just our shared interest in the Arts but it is the companionship and friendship that makes Fylde so special. Many Societies across the country have been losing membership - but not us! Long may it remain so.
Be assured we are working behind the scenes to keep everything going and are supporting Pam Foster in her vital role as our Communications Officer.
Keep Safe and Keep in Touch. All the committee would be delighted to get a phone call or email from you or to see your responses to our postings.
Pat Corless